Wednesday, November 26, 2008

mystery revealed!

Most of you guessed the "mystery vacation." We went to Disney World! We just got back on Monday. I'm still downloading pictures so I'll post those probably this weekend.

We woke Skyler up at 5am last Monday and of course I had to take a picture! Good morning sunshine!

A friend of ours got her a Disney World sweatshirt a year or so ago for Christmas so after we got her dressed we asked her if she wanted to know where we were going. We put her sweatshirt on her and told her to look in the mirror (remember, it was 5am so she was a little out of it, not at all aware of what we were dressing her in).

She was so excited and couldn't believe we woke her up "IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT!" More updates to follow...


Anonymous said...

What a fun idea! I bet you had a blast in Disney World! Her bed head picture is super cute!!

gina said...

Too cute!!

Every time we fly we have to get up at like three- to make it to the airport for early morning flights and that is one of the most fun parts of the trip for the girls. :)

Hope you had a blast- I'm sure you did!!

Ann said...

What great candid pictures. Priceless!

Chris said...

OH my, I was so excited reading that post! We surprised our kids this summer with the same trip! How fun!